Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Confessions

I have a confession to make.

I am not feeling very Christmassy.

In fact, I am approaching this Christmas with unprecedented fear and trepidation.

I've woken up this Saturday morning to realise that I have to venture out of my non-Christmas haven into a shopping mall where Christmas will become a cold, harsh reality.

Maybe I am the Grinch.

Did the Grinch cringe at the thought of going to his local super-mall, where he had to battle his way through scores and scores of people with trolleys, prams and rolls of christmas paper stuck out of the vehicles at extraordinary angles?

Maybe the Grinch and I share things in common, like our annoyance at the same Christmas CD's that are dusted off by the shops each year, played at exceptionally loud levels, in order to compete with the next stores blaring Christmas soundtrack?

Am I the only one that feels the Christmas spirit drain out of you as you sit and patiently wait for a car park to become available in the mall's car park, only to find that the person isnt really exiting the mall, but merely putting into the boot their first round of newly purchased christmas presents and going back for more?

Give me sleigh bells and reindeers and snowflakes. I want mistletoes and pudding and angels.

I dont want the Christmas that has become so commercialised that even I have forgotten what it means.



Blogger Oreo said...

I agree about my head I *love* christmas, but then when I am faced with what it means to the rest of the general public I lose that love.

I like the Christmas spirit, I like being cheerful for no reason other than it's the season to be cheerful, I like snow...and misletow (no that wasn't supposed to rhyme!)

But then there's the millions of presents being bought and people stressing and fighting and pushing through malls...thats not what it is about...

Maybe I should pick a new season to love? But I love Christmas. Hmmmm....

3:25 PM  
Blogger rob said...

I guess Im a grouch too. I feel that Religion is man made anyway for purposes of power and finance(look at any church building or portfolio)
But Christmas has become, not just the original celebrating of the birth of a diety where kids can celebrate along with the whole family, it has become a money grabbing episode where people get into debt, families are busted apart, and all in the name of religion. are we gullible, synical, or what? I do love a traditional Christmas though!
have a good one Kate, and a very happy new year.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Merry Christmas Kate, commercial Christmas is overrated anyway, what a guilt trip!

Matthew Hoffman

11:05 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

Are you still feeling grinchy???

11:41 AM  
Blogger Overboard said...

I love Christmas but there isn't any ambiance over here. All my friends in 'Xmas' countries are moaning minnies about it. You should feel thankful!
Xmas in Japan
Xmas Eve - Everybody shags
Xmas Day - Back To Work. Bucket of KFC at night.

6:13 PM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

If you've come here to look for Christmas "ambience", you've come to the wrong place.


Actually, I have to admit, my little cutie pie (Charlotte) went and got her first Santa pictures taken today. Awwwwwwwwww!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

What's that I hear about everybody shagging on Christmas Eve and eating a bucket of chicken :) Sounds like my kind of place! haha!

This year I'll be sharing a bed with my sister in my aunt's house on christmas eve so needless to say, there'll be no action for in japan isn't sounding half bad :)

10:58 AM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

I dont know about you, Oreo, but there's laws against that kind of thing here in Australia *wink*

Okay, okay, I admit, I'm getting into the Christmassy mood.

And I am going to church on Christmas Eve, cutting short my usual rendevous at the local pub (its an annual thing). I figure God and I need a bit of a chat before he and I venture out into the Northern Hemisphere....

1:26 PM  
Blogger Overboard said...

You'll need more than God in the Northern Hemisphere. Pickpockets everywhere!

4:47 PM  

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