Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This Is Not An Issue Of Race - Cronulla

Could it be that our Prime Minister is right on this occasion? In today's SMH, at http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/dont-overcomplicate-riots-pm/2005/12/13/1134236036147.html states it very clearly:

Prime Minister John Howard says the violence of the past few days was primarily a law and order issue.

"I don't think we should over-complicate this," he said.

"Violence, thuggery, loutish behaviour, smashing peoples' property, intimidating people - all of those things are breaches of the law and I don't think the actions should be given some kind of special ... status because they occur against the background of this or that.

"If we start treating this behaviour for what it is we will far more readily settle things down and get back to a situation we all want."

However, earlier today, the media reports on www.ninemsn.com.au today that:

"Lebanese Muslim leader Keysar Trad and Maroubra's surfer gang, the Bra Boys, are attempting to broker a peace deal between rival groups following race riots in Sydney. "

Mr Trad states:

"What you are seeing today is people who are trying to ... heal the rift and to bring society together and show everyone that we can stand together united against violence and welcome everyone to the beaches and say that the beaches are a public space for everyone to enjoy."

I have never heard such load of rubbish in my life. Since when have the "Bra Boys" stood united with ANYONE against violence? The Bra Boys are one of the most prolific group of anglo-saxon young men who congregate together in Sydney and are well known in the area of Maroubra. I also know that the "Bra Boys" have a notorious history of participating in acts of violence as a "group". Their motto is "My Brother's Keeper", which symbolises a "one for all" mentality. This motto and what it means has even recently been brought up in court during the trial of Koby Abberton (one of the participants of these so called "peace talks"), who has been found guilty of peverting the course of justice (in relation to his brother's murder trial).

Why is it that the media and community groups think the "Bra Boys" should now have a say in how this issue should be dealt with? Lets see the "Bra Boys" admit to their own use of violence, breaches of local laws and history of past disrepect for authorities before they should be anywhere near a "negotiating table" on the issue.

This issue is about stopping violence by large groups of people regardless of ethnic origin. Its about STAMPING OUT all gang related activity not just around beaches but throughout Australia. Its not about "wagering peace deals" with different gangs.

Its about time the Police and Government begin to stop the blame game, and begin to enforce a "zero tolerance" on ALL gang behaviour, whether it be the "Bra Boys", the Bankstown boys, the Rebels, whatever.


Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Hey it's their beach Kate.

It says so ... er ... somewhere.

2:31 AM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

Valid point, Mikey.

Bra Boys should do something useful and try and get themselves elected into local government.

2:51 AM  
Blogger Overboard said...

Do the Bra Boyz have a big house with a private beach?

3:28 PM  

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