Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Trip To Edinburgh Zoo

One thing I must say about my time in Edinburgh, is that I have used it so well. I have done so much of the city, and those things that I have yet to do, will be done as part of showing Kel and Soxy around in October (ie Ed. Castle, Mary Kings Close). Today saw me jump on the Number 31 bus out to Edinburgh Zoo. I've never been to a zoo outside of Australia, so it was great to see animals that I would not normally see (due to the difference in climate). For example, today I was able to see my first polar bear! The day was spent on my own, just wandering around the zoo with my camera. I love doing that. It relaxes me. When I am behind the lens, I relax completely and I completely zone out, like nothing in the world can bother me. I love it. I wish I could do photography for a career... maybe one day, when I can afford some better camera equipment. In the meantime, enjoy the photos I took.

Note: Most of these photos were taken through glass (as they were in enclosures) so the quality of some arent great

The main attraction - four baby Asiatic lion cubs born in May, 2006.

Mum watching her babies very closely, to make sure they don't get up to mischief.

"Mischief? Who me? Too tired for mischief!", the baby lions say.

"Its so tough being so popular!"

Sadly, Dad cannot be with the little ones, because he has a habit of eating his young (?!). Soon he will be allowed back in with them, but only when the cubs can fend for themselves.

Finally, all the babies are asleep, giving mum some time to rest.


Blogger Oreo said...

aww! I want a pet cub!!!

2:06 AM  

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