Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy Nuuuuuu Year!

I've decided that the Year 2007 will be the "Year of Health" for me. Getting healthy, dropping those few little kilos off places I dont want them, getting good exercise done, not drinking too many drinks with bad toxins, limiting my coffee in take.

I start back at the gym tomorrow (we all know how much KateOnTheGo loves going to the gym).

I've only slipped up once this morning (its 11 hours into the New Year). On the way home from staying at a mates house, I stopped off at Krispy Kreme and purchased for my family a dozen original glazed donuts.

They offered me a "sample" donut while I waited for them to pack me my fresh dozen. I had to say yes. It was so generous of them to offer me one, so I didnt want to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Then of course I didnt want to take the Krispy Kremes home only to find that they were not of good quality. So I ate one of the way home, just in case.

And then, I didnt want to be unsociable so I had to sit down with Mum and Dad while they enjoyed their Krispy Kreme donut.

Then of course, no one likes when people watch them while they eat, so I had to sit and eat one with them. Its courtesy, right?

So its been 11 hours into my Year of Health, I've had three Krispy Kreme Donuts and I've decided I'm going to lounge around in bed because I feel mildly hungover from last nights celebrations.

Oh, I'm doing really well so far!!!!



Blogger Pat said...


5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think you were just using Krispy Kremes as an excuse for coming to see Charlotte ... it worked, only you haven't come over yet and neither have your Krispy Kremes ... I'm not sure you should be facing the burden of having KKs in your house without me for support ... *concerned*

5:36 PM  
Blogger rob said...

Hee He! Love it ! just love it! my mouths watering at the thought. But, thats just cost you three visits to the gym to get rid o fall that Toxin? :o(( Blah!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Overboard said...

I woke up having decided that 2007 would be a booze-free year. However, I now fancy a beer on the beach. Hmmmmm, do I have the will power to buy a bottle of water instead? Uh, no. LOL.:)

9:52 AM  

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