Friday, January 27, 2006

What Is My Opinion Worth?

Tonight I stumbled across a random blog which took me by surprise. Once what I read sunk in, it angered me. I wont go into the details. But it really really really annoyed me. I drafted a blog entry and was ready to publish the post. Then I stopped. I was about to blog about a highly contraversial issue, one which I think a lot of you would have also reacted negatively towards.

Had I have blogged about it, what good would it have done? It was a blog entry by someone completely and utterly intolerant. What really annoyed me what that this blogger was drafted by a pastor of the church - someone who would be looked upon as a teacher, as a mentor, and a leader.


Why bother trying to hope for a more tolerant society when you have people like this person trying to teach our generation how to be intolerant?


Blogger Oreo said...

One of the things I hate the most is how people who teach about love and kindness and acceptance, people who announce their faith for all to hear, are also the people who are the MOST closed-minded. It's so hypocritical...

11:41 AM  

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