Friday, February 17, 2006

The Biggest Loser

As many of you know, I love being healthy. I love being fit and I love feeling like I am treating my body well. After all, you only get one body in life (and plastic surgery can only take you so far).
I must confess - the problem is that since moving back home and having had so much going through my head with travelling so much to get to work, quitting my job, getting ready to go overseas, and now eating mum's home cooked meals, I seem to have dropped the ball a little. And subsequently, have put back on a few kilos.
I am watching "The Biggest Loser" on television tonight. I know they have that show in America, but we also have an Australian version. These people are losing four, six, ten kilos at a time. Of course, they are under the close watch of personal trainers, cooks, psychologists etc, but it makes me think that if they can get out and do it at their weight and their predicament, then surely it doesnt take that much for me to get off my as$ and get back to doing the work that I was doing only a couple of months ago at the gym.
I need put away the readily available potato chips and get back to the gym.


Blogger TD said...

What is a kilo? Why can't everyone else just abandon the metric system like we Americans? Also, I don't know if as an Aussie, you have this problem, but what is the deal with Soccer...I mean Football?

On losing weight I have found people have usually miss the exercise part of things. I have had the opposite issue in my life. I usually can't gain, but can drop pretty easily.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Ron said...

kilo = 1000 meters = 3281 ft.

football = best sport ever.

11:01 PM  

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