Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm The Generation "Y" Blogger

Over time, I have had some people (who know me well) come up to me and express their surprise and (in part) discomfort with my blogging. Some people are surprised that I am willing to share my daily life with complete strangers, and are uncomfortable with the idea that there are some things that should be kept to oneself.

So the question is - "why do I blog?"

Blogging is a Generation Y Phenomenon. Its the new form of journalism. Its the ability to express yourself to people collectively. Its a simple form of letter writing to those you wish to communicate. Is there a limit to what people put on their blogs? Of course there is. Can people go too far with their blogging? Of course they can. But I set out some rules when I blog :-

1. Never disclose information about people without their consent.
2. Try and avoid putting photos of people without asking them first (for the most part, I am successful here).
3. Never ever give away personal information about yourself which can assist a stranger in locating you.
4. Never talk disrespectfully about someone.
5. Try and not use this as a form to gain people's approval about my decisions in life (i've sometimes struggled with this one, but am learning).
6. Never disclose any matters with respect to my job (as a lawyer).
6. Avoid topics such as relationships.

Am I uncomfortable with people knowing about my highs and lows in life? The simple answer is no. Those people that know me know that if I have something to say, I say it. I am truthful, I have nothing to hide and I have faith in my own beliefs, opinions and decisions. There is nothing on this blog that I would not say to someone face to face. There is also nothing here on this blog that I write and then regret - It helps not to add too much emotion. I carefully think about what I put on this blog and I make sure it abides by my own rules. Sure, some of the things that I write about may seem to be deeply personal experiences. However, these are experiences which I am comfortable sharing. I put the information out there, I deal with the consequences that arise from doing so. I am not ashamed to say that some days I am feeling low, and some days I am feeling great. I am not ashamed to do it. Its carthasis for me.

Blogging is like talking non stop, and allowing those who want to listen to choose to do so. If people dont like what I write, then they have the choice not to read.

There is no neediness attached to this blog. I do not "need" to know that people are reading. I like the thought that there are people who care about my life enough to share its experiences with me, dont get me wrong. But I am not here to increase my readership. I'm here so that if anyone wants to know where I am, they can find me.

Some people can blog, some people cant. Some people can share their feelings easier than others. I share them, and I dont find it difficult. Its a Gen Y thing, whereas some Gen Xers dont really "get it".

I'm a blogger.


Blogger Unknown said...

Here here! I'm with you on the 'why I blog' points and couldn't have said it better myself.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Margarita Mirasol said...

Facking farking wv...lost a long one again..fack fack fack....I think should take away your blogging rights coz you are a word verification tosser.

But as an aside, yeah, I agree with all that you confessed in the above post and one day hope to join you in the ranks of 'blogger'.

p.s I know which country you live in.

1:18 AM  
Blogger Margarita Mirasol said...

I blog coz I want to increase my chances at meeting hot guys to shag.
No kidding.
Wish I was.
Tee hee.
[Thank goodness none of my readers read your blog]

Just kidding.

1:20 AM  
Blogger rob said...

You certainly are a blogger and a great one! something that I can only aspire to become one day? maybe! Have a super Christmas with that adorable niece of yours! (By the way did you get her permission for the photos?) :o))

Mmmmmmmmaria you are so wrong! we all read Kates blog! :o))

11:25 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Well said and right on, Kate! Some of us have a need to share ourselves with others, no matter what generation we are from, and others do not. I have always gained growth and understanding from being willing to share - both of myself, and of others. Some say that sharing is far too risky - it makes one far too vulnerable to those who desire only to tear down, criticize and hurt. Oddly enough my experience has been that the tearing down, harsh criticism and desire to harm me - all of it - virtually disappears the minute I decide to open up. You see, the act of "putting it all out there" immediately disarms anyone's ability to harm you! So, it would seem, the very act of being open and vulnerable - makes you nearly untouchable!!

6:58 AM  

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