Friday, February 24, 2006

Cocktails and Dreams


Hmm... I sitting here today thinking about sitting on a thai beach sipping cocktails whilst receiving a thai massage.
A lot of people have been saying to me "dont wish away the doldrums" because soon they will be gone. I totally agree. Even more so, people have been saying that I shouldnt wish away the time that I have with my family because when the going gets though while I am away, they wont be there. Again, I totally agree.
However, its really hard to appreciate things when you have got them... I dont know how it feels to miss them. I dont know what it is like to not have my mum and sister's support... because I've always had it...
Its hard to explain...


Blogger Overboard said...

Mines a Pina Colada and a backrub from Owen.

[Reluctantly posted]

3:56 PM  
Blogger Cacophony said...

chocolate martini. actually any martini, because after a few of those, you don't need a backrub.

10:00 PM  

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