Monday, August 21, 2006


My dream was to travel. My dream was never to "travel to Canada".

Maybe I should take two months off to travel instead of six months in Canada.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll throw my two cents in, despite so far resisting the urge today ...

I'd go to Africa and/or South America, as we've discussed. Besides, you seem to forget you've been to Canada before! :)

5:34 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Awesome point there Anon, I agree. Sounds like you're just trying to talk yourself into wanting to go to Canada, Kate - and if you've been there bfore you don't need to go there again as much as you need to go to somewhere else in the world you've never been to...

3:56 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

I have been in canada for many years and still not seen enough of the country. The point of travelling is not to have a list of all the different places you've's to have fun for a few months. It shouldn't really matter where you go.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Good point Louis. What has kept you in Canada so long? I am a firm believer of the "try before you buy" theory. Kate's already been to Canada - she can go back there whenever she likes. But she hasn't been to Africa... In the argument whether to go to Canada for 6 months or to go to Africa for a couple, the count is Africa-1, Canada - 0

7:46 PM  

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