Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Bit O' Old Fashioned Bitchin

I'm sitting here trying to work out:

1) how I am going to be able to pay all of these horrid monthly credit card bills while I am away;
2) how I managed to spend so much on my credit cards while I was away (okay, Biarittz, Sweden and my new found interest in mac cosmetics may have had something to do with it! ooops).
3) why I cant get my act together in order to avoid bank fees and charges.

I always figured that seeing I was a lawyer, I'd be hell rich. However, I didnt anticipate having a quarter-life crisis, giving up my good job and going in search of my "Shangri-La".

Ugh. Enough to make a girl depressed.

Thankfully I have my beuuuuutiful snowboard sitting beside me here, to remind me of the good/finer things in life.


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