Woohoo! I just won a mosquito net on e-bay for $12.
I'm happy with that.
Some may recall from my sojourn to the Cinque Terre, Italy in October last year, when I rented a condo that came inclusive with one mosquito. That one mosquito ended up munching his way around all areas of skin which wasnt covered. My arms, neck, back and face were all bitten by Mr. Mozzie.
I also appear to be allergic to mozzies, because they come up in massive welt-like lumps, instead of small bites. So, I am determined not to have that happen again in Thailand!
Lesson learnt indeed!
Look at all those yachts!
Grrrr...word verification......
Take some extra OFF or repellant just in case. Mosquitoes can totally ruin a trip. Anywhere. We have really annoying ones (jejenes)here in the Bay Islands. So if you're planning on coming over to this side, two things: 1. You have to como to the Bay Islands. 2. Watch out for jejenes. :)
Mosquitoes unite people.
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