Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Heading Home

Well, after four weeks on the road, after many memories created, many friends made, it is time to say goodbye to the backpacking lifestyle once more. Time has gone extraodinarily fast, as expected, but that is the nature of travelling. If it were a profession, i would study a doctorate in it. :)

Anyway, yesterday I met Adam and his mother for coffee and then Adam had to go to work. Seeing an opportunity for shopping, Adam's mum and I hit the shops in Wimbledon and I did considerable damage to my credit card. I am heading off back to winbledon in a second so that Adam and I can say our last goodbyes. Its going to be hard, because there is no real certainty as to when we will see each other again.

Then I am off to collect my phone from Surrey and Janine has been nice enough to offer me a lift back to Heathrow, which is just down the road from her work. God love her.

Dubai awaits, as does its shopping. Seeing I did a little more shopping in England than expected, I dont think I will be able to go crazy in Dubai, but if a good bargain comes my way, then I am not exactly going to turn it down now, am I?

Time for me to go. Love to you all, and if there are no internet cafes in Dubai, then my next entry will be next week, when I am back to work.

To all those that provided wise words, accommodation, any other assistance while I've been gone (incl. Annie who has been my personal secretary and my mother, who has been my conscience), thank you all so much. Its been a trip of a life time.



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