Saturday, March 04, 2006


Okay. The whole "I'm going to starve and be left of the streets" thing is a little over dramatic. That said, in the circumstances (ie. moving country, one way ticket, not much money), it is still possible to be a little concerned. Nevertheless, the situation is not as dire as I am making it out to be. Its just pre-flight nerves. The truth is that I have got various agency meetings set up the day after I arrive in London (and I will be going for my best 'Ball of JetLag in a Crumpled Suit' look).
Agencies havent exactly been knocking me back, because of my experience and the fact that all Brits think us Aussies work hard! So I have picked the two agencies which responded to me quickly and thoroughly with my concerns. So I have two interviews lined up on the 28th in London. I could have arranged more, but I dont want to appear to be the newest Legal London Bike (ie. everyone wants to have a ride of me).
You see, now that I have been contracting in the recruitment industry for the last two weeks, I'm a lot more aware of just how much commission these recruiters get for placements. So when I send my resume to them, they say "Hello Piece of Legal Meat".
A couple of months ago, I had big dreams of spending the European summer in a resort playing with kids in Spain, or Turkey or Greece. In fact, I even scored myself a couple of job offers. Then I compared the salaries of those kids instructors to the potential earnings of a temp lawyer in London and the latter won. This way, I can work hard for six months (ie. work hard, play hard) and then if I've saved enough money, go and be a wandering nomad for however long I want (and escape the cold Scottish winter, after I've snowboarded, that is). Who knows. Maybe Africa. One thing I have to make sure while being a temp lawyer is to not to take it all too seriously - otherwise, I should have just stayed in my perfectly good job in Sydney.
Things I Have To Do Whilst Yonder:
1. Get up and look for the Loch Ness Monster;
2. Do at least five (5) weekend trips across to Europe (if not more, depending on money situation);
3. Date a Scotsman (he he - its the kilt-accent thing that gets me every time);
4. Get a flexible second job in a bar (i did a bar course, remember?);
5. Get to Ireland!!!
6. Go and see at least one Formula One race in Europe.
7. Sail the Greek Islands
8. Do something bizarre like an Artic tour of Greenland or something (something where I can see Polar Bears)
9. Spend time with loved ones in and around the UK.
10. Get back to Venice... again.
Okay. Having just re-read over my list of things to do, I am definately going to have to work as a temp lawyer to pay for this.


Blogger mi said...

oohhh you'll have such a great time!!

i'm so jealous!!!!

9:19 PM  
Blogger MariaJo said...

I guess it's normal to be a little scared. but think of all the new things, people, and experiences!!! I wish I could just get up and disappear to another country for a while. When you get back home, for vacation or whatever, you will appreciate it in a different way. HAVE FUN! ENJOY!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Oreo said...

You left out 'shag a hot rugby player!' (come on, we know you're planning it already!)

9:00 PM  

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